In The News

Thyroid eye disease | St. Louis

Thyroid Eye Disease Affects the Face as a Whole

Thyroid Eye Disease is also known as Graves disease. This condition affects the eyes in a particular way that causes them to bulge. This is a known symptom of Graves, but there’s more that we don’t often discuss. Here, we point out how the brows, cheeks, and lower face all transform as Graves disease progresses. […]

Brow lift | John B holds

What is the Best Way to Lift Your Sagging Brow?

Life is demonstrated through the eyes. Our eyes speak our emotions and general joie de vivre. It’s no wonder that we worry when the signs of aging change our expression. Aging eyes don’t only look older or tired. Depending on the slant of the eyebrows, the face may gain a perpetually sad or angry tone. […]

Ophthalmic Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Inc. | St. Louis

FotoFacial RF May the Treatment You Didn’t Know You Needed

The signs of aging are sneaky. They begin to appear ever-so-slightly until, one day, we see a mottled complexion or distinct sun spots and leathery skin where the tissue was once smooth and firm. The fact that there are so many anti-aging remedies available today may only make matters more complex. Here, we want to […]

Ophthalmic Plastic & Cosmetic Surgery Inc.

Treating Thyroid Eye Disease

Thyroid eye disease, or Graves’ disease, is an autoimmune condition in which the body makes antibodies to fight normal tissue that it mistakes as a growth or foreign invader. In addition to attacking the thyroid gland, this condition also views tissues in the eyes as “bad.” The tissue targeted by antibodies is at the back […]

End the Year with a Bang: Taking a Look at Fractional Laser Resurfacing

With the emergence of numerous beauty treatments such as injectables, the value of longstanding technologies may have accidentally been placed in the backseat. In our St. Louis office, we have been conducted fractional laser resurfacing for years. With celebrities raving about the latest and greatest lasers, we can’t think of a better time to reintroduce […]

Your Holiday Best is Within Reach

The time of year for celebratory gatherings, extra trips to the shopping mall, and late nights is almost upon us. That means we’re at the point in the year where many of us start looking at our appearance with a little more discernment. Do those crow’s feet look deeper than they did months ago? Is […]

Is Fat Transfer the New Facelift?

If the person you see in the mirror every day is not who you used to see, you may be wondering what you can do to regain a bit of your youthful nature. The fact is we cannot do a whole lot to avoid the lines and wrinkles that come with age. Many of the […]

Express Your Best Self with an Endoscopic Brow Lift

No one likes being asked if they’re tired, especially when they’re not. Even worse might be questions about mood or state of mind; “are you upset?” These comments prove to be the source of upset for many people. Unfortunately, changes to the upper face can set the stage for misconceptions about how we’re feeling. A […]

Why Blepharoplasty May Not Be Enough

When the time comes to begin thinking about eyelid rejuvenation, many people draw one of two conclusions. Typically, the first approach considered is dermal fillers. The other option for refreshing the eyes is blepharoplasty. Both are common treatments sought by patients who visit our St. Louis and St. Peters offices. While we consider both dermal […]

Aging Gracefully Means Adapting to Constant Changes

Mark Twain described wrinkles as the evidence of smiles. This is a lovely description of the lines that come with age, but it doesn’t quite cut it for the person who wants to ease into their age over a longer period. Sure, dramatic facial rejuvenation can be achieved with plastic surgery, but what about the […]

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